This amazing collection of artwork by 44 painters, young and old, came out of the challenging months of struggles with separation, survival, and the fear of an insidious enemy. These journeys will be especially remembered as triumphs for those who have emerged from the pandemic, some even stronger. But they are also a tribute to the early demise of so many of our loved ones, and the pain and void they have left behind.
Watercolor itself is a poetic media. It is capable of creating an unexpectedly sensitive dialogue with the viewer – one where you are alluringly invited to take on the artists’ journey, and eventually re-kindling your own treasure trove of nostalgic memories.
Indeed, it is a difficult medium to master – many artists are intimidated by its unforgiving nature. It does not allow the artist to re-work and correct, so the paintings you see may well be a piece that is the result of multiple failed starts.
This medium has been mainly associated with England for several hundred years. But, its origin lies further back in the history of European painting, or perhaps as far back as paleolithic Europe. Pigments, extracted from natural sources such as earth, stones, or vegetable fibers ground to powder and bound with glue from or egg, were in use in the Middle Ages. But the continuous record of the history of watercolor paintings started during Renaissance. After many centuries, technology has now taken watercolor to another level. We have better papers, primers, synthetic gum, and the colors are more vivid and have better light-fastness. In the past watercolor paintings used to be dull. Now the works are sharper and more vivid than ever before.
Both Romanticism and Realism prevail in this collection. But we also see abstracts - an even more challenging proposition than on oil or acrylic.
Participating Artists:
Alakesh Ghosh
Biren Shome
Hamiduzzaman Khan
Jamal Ahmed
Mohammad Eunus
Mohammad Iqbal
Monirul Islam
Ranjit Das
Samarjit Roy Chowdhury
Shahid Kabir
Swapan Chowdhury
Al-Akhir Sharkar
Anisur Rahman
Ariful Islam
Azmeer Hossain
Biplob Chakroborty
Hasura Akter Rumky
Kauser Hossain
Mintu Dey
Mong Mong Sho
Monjur Rashid
Nabaraj Roy
Nazmul Haque Bappy
Palash Datta
Shakirunnahar Kanon
Sharmin Akhter Lina
Shohag Parvez
Soikat Hossain
Sultan Ishtiaque
Tamanna Tasneem Supti
Warior Rahman Sami
Zahangir Alom
Exhibition: 15 November - 30 December